Plotsquared Generator
PlotSquared is a land management plugin and world manager which also comes with several highly configurable world generators. (See images below) You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots. Hybrid generator bundled with PlotSquared Roads can be conveniently added to new or existing worlds Supports larger plot sizes than pure schematic generation (here's the template below /plot template import bridge). Hybrid generator bundled with PlotSquared; Roads can be conveniently added to new or existing worlds; Supports larger plot sizes than pure schematic generation. Generate natural biomes of your choice within a selection. Supports: PlotSquared, WorldEdit, PlotMe OVERVIEW. BiomeGenerator is capable of generating natural terrain of a specific biome within a selection. The generation takes place one chunk at a time so that your server can still operate during the process.
- Invalid Generator Plotsquared
- Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse
- Plotsquared Generator
- Plotsquared World Generator
This plugin is a converter from Plotzto PlotSquaredand was created at the request of multiple people for reasons such as buggy software, lack of support or withholding features.
If you dislike the naming of the plugin, then perhaps you shouldn't be using it.
How to use:
- Download this and PlotSquared and put them both in your plugins folder
- Start your server with the above and Plotz still enabled
- You will be notified when conversion is finished (usually takes several seconds)
- At this point you will need to stop the server and delete Plotz.jar PlotZWorld.jar and PlotzSux.jar
What will be converted:
- Any generator settings in the bukkit.yml
- Multiverse configurations
- Plot height, width, road size, generator offset
- The Plotz schematic will be processed and reduced to 3 much smaller schematics (sideroad.schematic, intersection.schematic, plot.schematic) for use in the PlotSquared hybrid generator
- Plot settings (owners, admins, members, alias)
- Merged plots
- There may be some minor differences, which should be able to be fixed manually.
- If it says 'PlotMe conversion is done' - it's referring to Plotz
- If something doesn't work, please let me know and I will do my best to resolve the problem
[ Chat: #IntellectualCrafters Source: GitHub Builds: Jenkins ]
PlotSquared authors: Citymonstret, Empire92, MBon29
Fork: Empire92 (That's me!)
Donate: Paypal
SQL drivers:
Creating a world:
Define the generator in the
Or the nukkit.yml:
You can configure generator by going to /plugins/PlotSquared/config/worlds.yml
- Delete the `<world>/region` to regenerate the world
For augmented generation see:
- If the perm packs don't work, just add the exact perms
Invalid Generator Plotsquared
Add roads to your world...
- Roads can be conveniently added to new or existing worlds
- Supports larger plot sizes than pure schematic generation
- (here's the template below /plot template import <world> bridge)
In built plot downloading (no setup required)...
- Just use /plot download
- Cross server '/plot save', '/plot load' and '/plot schematic paste url:<value>'
Plot merging...
- Use commands or enable auto merging
- Merge plots and build with friends
Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse
Combine generators; with or without roads...Plots can be anywhere...
- Plot clusters can go anywhere, and can simply be invisible boundaries if you want.